Our Proposals

The London Resort will be principally based on the Swanscombe Peninsula in North Kent, set over approximately 465 hectares, including a new dedicated access road to the A2 and easy access from Ebbsfleet International station. The site is just 17 minutes to central London by train and offers excellent links to the rest of the country, and mainland Europe.


Transport facilities will be provided on the north side of the river, set over approximately 29.5 hectares of land, on land immediately to the east of the port of Tilbury, with a transport access corridor around the A1089. The London Resort will regenerate the local area and offer benefits for the local community and the wider area including job creation, inward investment and increased spend, new and improved infrastructure, creation of green networks and improved access to the river. There are inevitably effects associated with any major infrastructure project. Our proposals have been refined and adapted to better accommodate the environmental and technical constraints and opportunities, and to maximise benefits and minimise impacts for the local community and environment.

Your views matter Our revised emerging Masterplan has taken into account feedback that we received during previous stages of consultation and ongoing stakeholder engagement.

Key changes include:

  • Revised business plan: reduced anticipated visitor numbers and revised scheme content
  • Increased emphasis on sustainability and net zero carbon emissions
  • Developed an enhanced comprehensive sustainable transport strategy
  • We have been able to revise our Order Limits, reducing impacts on local communities and residential properties
  • Revised scheme content includes changes to the proposed entertainment and amenities on offer both inside and outside the ‘payline’ of the theme park gates
  • Changes to the layout to improve and enhance the landscape and retain green space
  • We remain committed to creating local employment opportunities and career opportunities for young people in the area
  • Added provision of 500 dwellings for staff working at the London Resort (to be included in the DCO application).