Cultural Heritage

Swanscombe, Ebbsfleet and Tilbury lie in areas of rich, diverse and significant archaeological heritage dating back to prehistoric times.

Your heritage

Our ongoing investigations are continuing to increase our understanding of the archaeological remains, which range in date from the Palaeolithic period to the Industrial period. We have also identified designated heritage assets within the Project sites that might be affected by the London Resort. Other designated heritage assets from outside the Project site boundary are also being considered in the assessment of potential effects. These include Scheduled Monuments, and Grade II Listed Buildings on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Within the Tilbury site, one Grade II Listed Building located in the southern part of the site has been identified. There are no World Heritage Sites, Grade I Listed Buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens or Conservation Areas of Registered Battlefields within either Project Site.

Wherever possible, the scheme design seeks to mitigate and remove potential impacts on archaeological and cultural heritage features.

Our strategy includes a combination of avoidance and mitigation measures, including:

The avoidance of direct impacts to archaeological remains through informed site selection and design

Structures designed to minimise below ground impact where possible

The use where possible of land that has been previously disturbed or the use of existing infrastructure

Appropriate design to reduce or avoid impacts to the setting of designated heritage assets and to the grade II* listed Riverside Station and Landing Stage in Tilbury, including screening and landscaping around Listed Buildings and other heritage assets where possible.

Where direct impacts cannot be avoided, a programme of archaeological and geoarchaeological investigation prior to development would be designed. This programme would be designed in consultation with Kent County Council’s heritage team, Essex County Council’s Place Services team and Historic England and Natural England.


We will seek to improve public understanding of the historic environment by supporting the showcasing of cultural heritage findings in an interactive and educational way, making them accessible to a wider audience, allowing more people to explore the rich history of the area.